Saturday, January 25, 2014

What's been going on...

Hello all, I know it has been a while since I wrote last, sorry about that!  The first thing I want to talk about is turning 25! Seriously can't believe I am already 25, I remember when I was younger I thought I'd have my life so together when I was 25, but turns out I don't, but that's ok because it is getting there.
     One of the first things that happened after I turned 25 is I finally got my G.E.D such a huge accomplishment in my life. I really struggled my senior year, school really isn't for some people and I am a big example of that, I wasn't doing drugs, or other stereotypical high school drop out stuff, I just hated school and I kept getting sick to my stomach thinking about going to school.  The Doctor had no explanation as to why I was so sick and when I turned in my doctor's notes the teachers said my notes we "too general" and they wouldn't excuse them.  so that is why I dropped out, there is more story but I don't want to go more into detail.  But I finally got it and I went through SEICAA, they were amazing there, my two teachers, Angie and Miles were absolutely the best teacher's I have ever had in my life, they were so patient and when I didn't understand something, they would show me a different way of how to solve the problem.  I just had to take classes for Math because my reading and all those other subjects I was fine in.  I was really nervous to take the tests, but I was all good, passed my first try baby!   
     So other news Brad and I are getting a house!!  We got approved for a home loan, we haven't gotten a realtor yet, but we are thinking about going with the same guy my sister, Brianna went with, she said he was super nice and really patient with them and I think that will be best for us, because we really don't know what we want!  But I am SUPER excited to start looking, Brad on the other hand isn't too thrilled about the house hunting part... But it will all be worth it when we are finally in our first home!  I will post pictures as soon as we pick the one!
     That's all the news for right now, wish I actually had pictures to post, but once again this will be picture-less:(  

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